Thursday, March 15, 2007

Clark, Bradford don't understand their own Bill


"Prime Minister Helen Clark has been forced to clear up the confusion surrounding Sue Bradford's so-called 'anti-smacking' bill.  When pressed by reporters today, Clark said that under the new bill parents would be allowed to give their children a light smack.  Green MP Sue Bradford also seems to agree. She says that a light smack will not see a parent brought before a judge."  Click here to download the short clip of Helen Clark saying: "I do not want to see smacking banned"

Both Sue Bradford and Helen Clark are making incoherent statements regarding their attempt to stop parents from using force in parenting.  While Bradford's bill clearly states that any smack will be a criminal offense, she and Clark are saying that they do not want to see parents criminalised for giving their child a "light smack".

Despite these claims, if the bill does go through, then a parent who does smack their child will be on the wrong side of the law.

How do these politicians get to sleep each night, I wonder.  They are quite obviously misleading the public through their media releases.