Friday, March 9, 2007

THE PRESS waves the red flag

Here are some excerpts from the article: "A ban on smacking is the right way forward for New Zealand" in The Press, Feb22

"Smacking is a form of discipline which belongs to another age"
Says who? The approximately 80% of New Zealanders who have voted in various polls, saying that smacking is ok?

"Bradford's anti-smacking bill will not prevent the worst cases of child abuse, such as the death of the Kahui twins, for the origins of this sort of violence lie deep in our society."
What's this? Whereabouts to these "origins of violence" lie?

"Labour adopted the smart tactic of block voting on the issue, making it more difficult for any of its individual Mps to be targeted for supporting the measure".
What a cop out. A poor excuse for bull-dozing the opinions of the majority of Kiwis.

"The passing of the anti smacking bill through it's second reading at Parliament was a welcome step towards dealing with child abuse."
What? This is one heck of a small step to be taking.